Here is just a fraction of my collection of screenshots I have taken while reading comics!
DRIPPY OUTFITSokay turtlenecki admire the corset serve but it's your boyfriend's funeral...annoying orange corecouples who slay together part 1WHITE GIRL OF THE MONTHinfatuated with the color green sue mecouples who slay together part 2jack kirby knew something we don'tcouples who slay together part 3this is slutty either you get it or you don'tcouples who slay together part 4couples who slay together part 5you will put a man in a gay ass jacketfuzzy turtleneck steve come back from war BEFORE WE DEPART FROM THE 60S-80S. ENTIRE SUB-SECTION DEDICATED TO QUEEN LEILA TAYLORqueen of wearing yellowqueen of wearing whitequeen of fistfightsqueen of yellow on yellowqueen of jumpsuitsqueen of green pantsqueen of snatched waistsqueen of the whole world possibly The Look Evernever beating the he/him lesbian allegationsyour loser baggy jeans + chuck taylors bftransmasc core...RETURN OF THE TURTLENECKserving cunt while trying not to serve time for war crimesTORO RAYMOND.